Monday, February 9, 2009

so i'm moving


Sunday, February 8, 2009

sometimes i feel like shuffle just knows.

for example, billie holiday's "i'll be seeing you" was just on, and is now being followed by chopin's nocturne in e minor. two of my favorite songs of all time that, in my mind, belong together.

itunes just knows this.

also, it is 1:51 am and my brain has not slowed down yet.

also, georgia is my favorite font and i'm very happy it was one of the options for this blog.
"You don’t have a soul. You are a soul. You have a body." C.S. Lewis

Saturday, February 7, 2009

the song "american pie" by don mclean reminds me of family trips to seattle because it would always come on the radio. i know every word. i used to sing it and dance around my room. but who didn't.
someday i want to have a kate winslet/leonardo dicaprio -esque relationship.


zooey deschanel + matt costa.

oliver peoples eyewear 2009 campaign ad. including a mini-film directed by autumn de wilde.

could life get any better.